May 27, 2010

Home Alone With Chicken Bratwurst

chicken bratwurst
It's already in the pan, but, really, what the hell is "Chicken Bratwurst"?

chicken bratwurst chicken bratwurst
I can fish the package out of the garbage, but it sort of begs the question....

chicken bratwurst
Witness: No explicit connection between "Chicken Sausage" and "Bratwurst."

chicken bratwurst
But there's no doubt: they are sausages.

chicken bratwurst
Traditional oil & water cooking method, as if they were bratwurst.

chicken bratwurst
Considering a future for these potato leftovers from lunch....

chicken bratwurst
The larger scene of the crime.

chicken bratwurst
When the water boils off, they'll brown in the oil.

chicken bratwurst
Russian-style boiled potatos with dill....
Well and good, but where's the fried fat?

chicken bratwurst
They look like bratwurst.... Excess fried fat coming up!

chicken bratwurst
Whoops, noticed just in time to head off trouble.

chicken bratwurst
Prevents excessive dog drool as I eat.

chicken bratwurst
Time Passes

chicken bratwurst
Yep, fried those potatos in the same (chicken) grease.

chicken bratwurst
Yum! Yum! Hot and steaming non-bratwurst bratwurst.
(Entitles my arteries to a dollup of real sour cream, don't you think?)

chicken bratwurst chicken bratwurst
Oh no! Airplane fodder on HBO!
Jennifer "Squeeky Clean" Lopez in some Hollywood version of

chicken bratwurst
I need a maid....
What am I saying? I'll leave this for the wife!

chicken bratwurst
I know, I know. That was rude. The dog's disappointed in me too.
