May 12, 2010
Sunday Morning Dog Wrangling in Ocean Beach, CA
Go vote for Margarita, Ela and "The Critter" at the New York Time's Lens project "A Moment in Time"!
Rotate the planet to look around. We're in the California "stack," closest to the top in the "Community" sort. It's more fun to hunt through and see the range of pictures people thought representative of "a moment in time," but if you want to get to us quickly, click Sunday morning dog wrangling in Ocean Beach, CA.
Here it is: Earth, covered by stacks of thousands of virtual photographs, corresponding in location to where they were taken by Lens readers at one "Moment in Time" (15:00 U.T.C., Sunday, May 2).
Zach Wise designed the interactive gallery and Jacqui Maher developed the submission process.
Spin the globe in any direction to get where you want to go. Click on a stack and the top photo will open, giving the photographer’s name or pseudonym (if supplied) and a brief caption (again, if supplied). Another click will send that picture to the bottom of the stack so the next one can open. The uppermost pictures in any stack are those you’ve recommended to one another. The height of the stacks reflects the number of submissions from any given area. Note the pull-down menu in the upper left corner. Pictures can be searched by topic — community, arts and entertainment, family, money and the economy, nature and the environment, play, religion, social issues or work — but not, unfortunately, by photographer. (That’s for “A Moment in Time 2.0.”) From any individual picture, you can always return to the globe by clicking on “Return to Globe X” in the upper right corner.
And here's a link to the larger, submitted version of Ocean Beach Dog Wrangling.